Now days i just try to use and design things for a purpose of animating a certain way which is good. i work smarter not harder.
I find myself just going through and start designing and unload my brain and just let it spew out and then start cutting out and focusing on what im trying to say in the piece or what is my story and asking is it compelling enough and is this me. I am very drawn to lots of different arts and sometimes that can make me lost but by having a story and a reason I also know how to say delete and resized rotate and paste. One thing I hate my work to do is look like others or look like it was cookie cut or made only by a computer which to me looks rigid.
Nothing in reality is perfect. Its when things are put together and contrasting and making up for each other is what is telling a story. Perfection has no conflict, which means there is no story to tell... everything is just dandy. I love math because someone gives you a problem or a puzzle and you solve it. Except in motion graphics, you are given a problem and you recreate and visualize it yourself and then execute your vision. Other course both design, animation, and composite is very important and should coordinating on the same goals and story.
I feel what I bring to the table is the knowledge of different stories of myself and average man and how can I make this speak to all of them in a different way and argue you should do this because A, B, and C. I find the personality and moments in life that which show the complete identity of the object by showing it imagined or exaggerated in a convincing setting.
I am most interested in Mixed media because I think its amazing to have different mediums in one piece. 3D, 2D, hand drawn, and stop motion. But my goal is to have a consistency of being valued piece from the idea to execution. I like mixed media but it can be too much and it might not make sense w the story or distract the viewer. Its also a matter of professionalism, which is time equals money and with less elements and simple animation and simple story means more money in than out and more bang for the buck.